Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Women In Midlife - Opening To An Experience Of Oneness With All Of Life Changes Your Own Midlife

As we travel through midlife, we travel through many phases of Negro spiritual growth. Often, we larn to travel from being victim, to being fully responsible for manifesting in our lives. We then larn to give up to something higher than ourselves, though fully portion of ourselves.

The concluding phase of Negro spiritual growing is one that not too many people talking about, because it is one of which we accomplish only glimpses. This is the phase of Negro spiritual growing that the ancient religious mystics called the Unitive manner and that enlightened Masters name a state of Oneness.

To travel from degree three to four, we have got to come up into a greater state of beingness. We have got to give up our sense of separation.. a personal sense of a life apart from God.

You'll detect that even when you pray, sometimes there still is this sense that there is your life and there is the Life of Supreme Being somewhere else. For years, that still happens. But, with every insight, or Negro spiritual disclosure or realization, you have got minutes of becoming aware that the life of Supreme Being that is in you, the life of Supreme Being that environments you, the life of Supreme Being that is everywhere IS your life and the personal sense of a life apart from Supreme Being gets to diminish..

So the sense of separation - to travel into that state of being - that sense of separation gets to dissolve. This degree is so of import because it is possible to have got a sincere surrender, release and allow Go to the presence of Supreme Being while you reserve a sense of duality.

I had the privilege of going to Republic Of India last twelvemonth to a topographic point known as the Oneness University. I was there for 21 years and we were invited to remain in silence. Each twenty-four hours we were showered with an energy transportation then known as Deeksha (it's now called the Oneness Blessing). The simplest thing I can state about that experience is that it took me out of my mind. I began to let myself to undergo things rather than analyse them. (that's BIG for me!) - To this day, I happen that pattern easier than ever before. I discovered that life in a state of Oneness is a gift of grace.

I ask for you to research the Oneness Motion and to check up on out this phenomena. Or, at the very least, start to detect where you dwell in separation - the me and the not me, the mine and yours syndrome. The first measure is unity with ourselves, then with one another, then with the animals, works and life around us and finally with all that is, or Supreme Being Itself.

When you happen yourself getting fidgety and wondering what life is about, retrieve the words of St. Saint Augustine (pulling this out of my past!) - "Our Black Maria are fidgety until we rest in thee." We are made to undergo this Oneness and when we do, nil else matters. Iodine have got the privilege of sharing the Oneness Blessing each hebdomad and I detect that the more than I let myself to receive, the greater my experience of midlife becomes.

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